
Employsure fined $3M Expand article
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Australia’s full Federal Court has upheld the ACCC’s penalty appeal in a case against workplace relations advisory firm Employsure Pty Ltd and ordered Employsure to pay a penalty of $3 million for mak...

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State of Emergency - Obligations to Employees Expand article
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There is a lot of information out there on this subject, but first and foremost, this is a time to demonstrate you care for your people.  As a good employer that’s the compassionate approach if your business circumstances permit, but it will also demonstrate your commitment to your people and provide them with reasons to remain in your business in a tight labour market.

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Screen Industry Workers Act Expand article
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The Screen Industry Workers Act (SIWA) will come into force on 30 December 2022. In contrast to the Employment Relations Act 2000, SIWA provides a structure enabling workers who are contractors to bar...

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Changes to Australian Fair Work Act Expand article
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The so called ‘Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill’ to amend the Fair Work Act has passed both houses of Parliament. Employers are concerned the Bill has been rushed through and will not improve productivity...

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2022/23 Christmas/New Year Holidays - Key Points Expand article
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What are the Public Holidays? The answer to that question will vary, depending on the individual employee’s work pattern.

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Changing Nature of Employment - Uber and Fair Pay Agreements Expand article
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Today is a significant day with the release of the Employment Court decision that four Uber drivers are in fact employees; and the Committee of the Whole House debating the Fair Pay Agreements Bill.

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Public Sector Pay Adjustment Process Expand article
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In response to pressure from unions about the current cost of living crisis, Te Kawa Mataaho (Public Service Commission) is engaging in a process with Public Sector unions to reach agreement on a Public Sector Pay Adjustment (PSPA).

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Fair Pay Agreements - Coming to a place near you very soon ............... Expand article
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The Select Committee has reported back on the Bill.  The Bill has its Second Reading on 18 October and if passed most of the Bill would come into force one month after Royal Assent.  At the current rate of progress, the Bill is expected to be passed before the end of the year, with the first FPA being in place in the first half of 2023. 

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Private Member’s Bill Aims to Limit Restraints of Trade Expand article
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Helen White’s Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill was drawn from the ballot box on 22 September and is awaiting its first reading. If passed in its current form the Bill would sev...

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Vaccination Policy and Force Majeure Provisions Expand article
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Now that the traffic light system has been removed and other changes implemented, questions arise as to whether an employer can maintain a policy requiring staff to be fully vaccinated, wear masks, or...

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Employees unlawfully required to take annual holidays during Lockdown Expand article
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In E Tū Incorporated v Carter Holt Harvey LVL Limited [[2022] NZEmpC 141; 15/08/22; Holden J] the Court found that CHH unlawfully required employees to take annual holidays during the 2020 lockdown.

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Heat of the moment resignations don’t require cooling off period. Expand article
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The long-held view that an employer should not rely on a ‘heat of the moment’ resignation but allow the employee the opportunity to ‘cool off’ and reconsider their position, has been over-turned by a ...

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